Thursday, June 10, 2010

Quiz RPL II 10Juni2010 - - d1455 Maukar, Ir., MM

  1. SCM Elements : Component elements, process elements, human elements, construction elements
  2. The management subsystem imlements a repository that encompasses the following elements : contetnt database, database capabilities, configuration management functions
  3. Customer communication in Web Engineering Process, encompasses : business analysis, and formulation
  4. Analysis model – establishes a basis for design, encompasses : content analysis, interaction analysis, functional analysis, configuration analysis
  5. For software, two kinds of quality may be encountered : quality of design, quality of conformance, user satifaction = compliant product + good quality + delivery within budger and schedule
  6. Cost of quality : prevention costs, internal failure cost, external failure cost
  7. WebE team roles : content developer / providers, web publisher, business domain experts, support specialist, administrator (a.k.a “Web Master”), web wngineer
  8. Formulation of web engineering begins with the identification of business need
  9. Rist identification : product size, business impact, customer characteristics, process definition, development environment, technology to be build, staff size and experience
  10. Risk components : performance risk, cost risk, support risk, schedule risk
  11. The functional model addresses two processing elements of the WebApp : user observable functionality, the operations contained within analysis classes
  12. The ineraction model composed of four elements : use-cases, sequence diagrams, state diagrams, a user interface prototype
  13. Schedule principles : compartmentalization, interdependency, effort validation, defined responsibilities, defined outcomes, defined milestones
  14. Define task sets : determine type of project, assess the degree of rigor reqired, identify adaptation criteria, select appropriate software engineering tasks
  15. The following navigation mechanisms should be tested : Navigation links, redirects, bookmarks, frames and framesets, site maps, internal search engines
  16. Content testing has three important objectivies : to uncover syntactic errors, to uncover sematic errors, to find errors in the organization or structure of content that is presented to the end-user
  17. Software scope decribes : the function and features that are to be delieverd to end-users, the data that are input and putput, the content that is presented to users as a consequence of using the software, the performance, constraints, interfaces and reability that bound the system
  18. Scope is defined using one of two techniques : a narrative description if software scope is developed after communication with all stakeholders, a set od use-cases is developed by end-users
  19. The following factors must be considered when selecting a software project team structure : the difficulty of the problem to be solved, the size of the resultant program(s) on lines of code or function points, the time that the team will stay together (team lifetime), the degree to which the problem can be modularized, the required quality and reability of the system to be built, the rigidity of the delivery date, the degree of sociability (communication) required for the project
  20. Organizational paradigm : closed paradigm, random paradigm, open paradigm, synchronous paradigm

Soal untuk 21-23

voidBubble_Flah(int *Arr, int n)


int i, j;

int urut; /* Flag */

urut = 0;

i = 1;

while ((i


urut = 1;

for (j=n-1; j>=1; j--)




tukar (&Arr[j-1], & Arr[j]);

urut = 0;



i = i+1;



  1. Buatlah flow graph untuk fungsi di atas
  2. Tentukan Cyclomatic Complexity nya !
  3. Tuliskan semua lintasan independent yang ada !

ini soal isian... jadi yg di bold itu jawabannya
trus no 21 - 23 ga ada jawabannya... maaf... selaen karna males nulis, tp juga ribet nulisnya...
ini ngetik soal + jawaban ajah udah pas detik2 terakhir...
ini asli ketikan gw... terpercayaa.. ^^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hoalaaah... codingan nya jd jelek yak...
ni codingannya... semoga bs

voidBubble_Flah(int *Arr, int n)
int i, j;
int urut; /* Flag */
urut = 0;
i = 1;
while ((i=1; j--)
tukar (&Arr[j-1], & Arr[j]);
urut = 0;
i = i+1;