Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Running Man ep.02 & ep.03

Episode 2 (18 Juli 2010) and Episode 3 (25 Juli 2010)
-- Guest : Lee Chun Hee (이천희), Professional running athlete idol, Kara - Goo Hara (구하라), Jeju Island Actress - Song Ji Hyo (송지효)
-- Place : Suwon World Cup Stadium (수원 월드컵 경기장)
-- Mission : Find the Golden Pigs with money
-- Team : Away Team (유재석, 개리, 하하, 이광수, 송지효), Home Team (지석진, 김종국, 송중기, 이천희, 구하라)

episode 02 [ part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 ]
episode 03 [ part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 ]

info : [ here & here]

spoiler here
spoiler -- spoiler -- spoiler -- spoiler -- spoiler --

1st mission :
mereka dateng ke lokasi yg udah di tentuin... trus keluar dari mobil mereka di kasih petunjuk harus kumpul dmn
"오늘 오프닝 장소는 연무대 입니다.
연무대를 찾아오세요"
*tp 연무대 di sensor pake tulisan hanja gt... :( <-- ga bs niru gw :(* ekspresi yg bacanya lucu-lucu soalnya rata-rata mereka ga ngerti sama tulisannya...wkwkwk 연무대 at the easetern side of the Suwon World Cup Stadium, lies the Martial Arts Platform. The place where Korea's ancestral Emperor once trained the imperial soldiers. Arriving at the starting place first grants you first priority in picking your team mates. karna 이광수 yg nyampe duluan 이광수 yg pilih mw sama syp... 이광수 pertama pilih 하하, abis itu 유재석, trus sama 개리

rule running man
as soon as all teh entrances and exits are locked the game starts
all members must wait until the locks open tomorrow
only the group that gets the most money is allowed to exit the stadium
there's two methods to get cash !
1. play a game to earn 500,000 WON
2. find cash-filled golden piggie banks hidden in the stadium, but here's the catch the amount of money in the piggie banks are only revealed right before you leave

tempat episode kedua mereka di Suwon World Cup Stadium
misi pertama : earn more prize money to exit
untuk dapetin secret tube itu, mrk dapet beberapa tugas

1. Find 4 all of the Golden Piggy Banks hidden within the stadium (inside of museum)
--> yg pig pertama 개리 (Away Team), trus 김종국 (Home Team), trus 2 kali 구하라 (Home Team) nemuin... jadi 3 buat Home Team, 1 buat Away Team...
trus mereka buat kesepakatan ajak maen paper scissors rock ( 가위바위보 ) yang kalah kasih piggy bank ke team yg menang...
유재석 VS 김종국 --> 바위 - 바위 --> 바위 - 가위 유재석 (Away Team)
유재석 VS 지석진 --> 가위 - 바위 지석진 ( Home Team )
하하 VS 지석진 --> 가위 - 보 하하 ( Away Team )
하하 VS 구하라 --> 바위 - 보 구하라 ( Home Team )
송지효 VS 구하라 --> 보 - 바위 구하라 ( Home Team )
개리 VS 구하라 --> 바위 - 보 개리 ( Away Team )
개리 VS 이천희 --> 바위 - 바위 --> 바위 - 보 이천희 ( Home Team )
이광수 VS 이천희 --> 가위 - 바위 이천희 ( Home Team )
akhirnyaaa 4 piggy banks punya Home Team

2. Cheering squad speed game ( price : 500,000 WON)
The one giving clues stands in audience seats, rest of the members stand at the bottom and guess the answer
--> Away Team : answer 3 question sucessfully
Home Team : answer 4 question sucessfully
--- 유재석 minta kesempatan lg
Away Team : answer 4 question sucessfully
Home Team : answer 5 question sucessfully

3. Stay in picture frame ( price : 500,000 WON)
--> rule : in a national team pose, the team with the most members appearing in the photo will win.
1st : Away Team (개리, 이광수), Home Team (지석진, 김종국, 구하라) Home Team
2nd : Away Team (개리, 하하, 이광수), Home Team (지석진, 김종국, 이천희) draw
3rd : Away Team (개리, 하하, 이광수) Away Team
4th : Away Team (유재석, 송지효), Home Team (지석진, 이천희, 구하라) Home Team
5th : *jump* Away Team(송지효), Home Team (구하라) draw
*the coolest face* Away Team (개리), Home Team (지석진) 개리(Away Team)

4. Hidden Golden Piggy Bank
--> Your most important person! Find the swimming suits of your team's color and take the bus to the swimming pool
1st : 이광수 (Away Team)
2nd : 송지효 (Away Team)
3rd : 이광수 (Away Team)
4th : 구하라 --> 김종국 (Home Team)
5th : 구하라 (Home Team)

5. Cumultive Height Diving Competition
There are 1.5m, 3.5m, 5m, 7.5m, 10m spot for jumping. The team with the bigger total diving height wins. Each person picks a diving height and jumps from the platform. The team with the highest total height wins, so if you jump from a lower height, the next person would have to jump from a higher platform to cover the difference.
1st : 하하 --> 3.5 m (Away Team); 송중기 --> 5 m (Home Team)
2nd : 송지효--> 5 m (Away Team); 구하라 --> 5 m (Home Team)
3rd : 개리 --> 5m (Away Team); 지석진 --> 3.5 m (Home Team)
4th : 유재석 --> 7.5 m (Away Team); 이천희 --> 7.5 m (Home Team)
5th : 이광수 --> 7.5 m (Away Team); 김종국 --> 10 m (Home Team)
akhirnya Home Team menang dengan nilai 31m, Away Team 28.5 m

6. Look for 5 golden piggy banks hidden in the stadium.
Find 5 golden piggy banks underneath a place written by citizen Lee Gwang Soo!
1st : 하하 (Away Team)
2nd : 송중기 (Home Team)
3rd : 송지효 (Away Team)
4th : 이천희 (Home Team)
5th : 이광수 (Away Team)

7. Telepati LIVE Studio ( price : 500,000 WON)
You must wear the music-playing headphones, so it's impossible to hear what the other person says. One person will give a question and the other person will answer that question.
Home Team bisa nebak 4 soal...

8. Determines the winner (price : 500,00 WON)
-->Both goalies must dangle from the goal frame, and using their bodies, they must deflect the balls from the opposite team.
The goalkeeper must be hanging from the top of the goal post.
The time limit is 1 minute. Within the specified time, the team with the most goals win.
1st round : Goal keeper : 이광수 --> Home Team : 3 goals
2nd round : Goal keeper : 송중기 --> Away Team : 4 goals
--> Each team takes turn kicking ten balls and the team that scores more goals will win
1st round : Goal keeper : 이광수 --> Home Team : 7 goals
2nd round : Goal keeper : 이천희 --> Away Team : 7 goals
--> Every group kicks five balls, the group whose balls stay inside the goal count and win
1st round : Goal keeper : 하하 --> Home Team : 3 goals
2nd round : Goal keeper : 송중기 --> Away Team : 4 goals

hasil uang yg dikumpulin
Home Team : 2,030,000
Away Team : 2,000,000

yang menang HOME TEAM

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