Tuesday, November 15, 2011

UTS - Bahasa Inggris III

UTS Bahasa Inggris III
Selasa, 15 November 2011
jam 10.00-11.30 di ruangan 326 no. 26

Reading A
Features of the mouth parts very helpful in classifying the many kinds of insects a majority of insects have biting mouth parts or mandible as in grasshoppers and beetles. Behind the mandibles are the maxillae which server to direct food into the mouth between the jaw, a labrum above and a labium below are similiar to an upper and lower lip. in insects with sucking mouth parts, the mandibles, maxillae, labrum and labium are modified to provide a tube through. Which liquid can be drawn in a butterfly or moth the coiled drinking tube is called the proboscis composed chiefly of modified maxillae sitted together, the probostic can be extended to reach nectar deep in a flower. In a mosquito or an aphid, mandible and maxillae are modified to sharp stylets with which the insect can drill through surface to reach juice. In a housefly, the expanding labium forms a spongelike mouth pad used to stamp over the surface of food.

1. it may be conclded that purpose of this passage is to...
a. complain b. persuade c. entertain d. inform

2. insects are classified by...
a. the environment in qhich they live
b. the food they eat
c. the structure of the mouth
d. the number and type of wings

3. the proboscis is...
a. nectar
b. a tube constructed of modified maxillae
c. a kind of butterfly
d. a kind of flower.

4. the author compares labrum and labium with...
a. an upper and lower lip
b. mandibles
c. maxillae
d. jaws

5. which of the following have madnibles and maxillae that have been modified to sharp stylets...
a. grasshoppers b. butterflies c. mosquitoes d. houseflies

Reading B
The White House, the official home of the United States President, was not in time for George Washington to live in it. It was begun in 1792 and was ready for its first inhabitants, President and Mrs. John Adams who moved in on November 1, 1800. When the Adamses moved in, the White House was yet complete and the Adamses suffered many inconveniences; for example the man staircase was incomplete, which hindered hung in unfinished east room to dry. Thomas Jefferson, the third President, improved the comfort of the White House in many respects and added new architectural features such as the terraces on the east and west ends.
When the British forces burned the White House on August 24, 1814, Presiden Madison was forced to leace all the remained after the fire was exterior walls, the interior was completely destroy. It was not until December of 1812 that the following President James Monroe was able to rebuilt resident. Since then the White House has continue to be modified but has been continuously occupied by each succeeding of U.S President.

1. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for this passage....
a. George Washington's Live in the White House
b. The Burning of the White House
c. The Early History of White House
d. Presidential Policies of Early U.S. President

2. Why did the George Washington not love in the White House ?
a. it had been burned by the British
b. he did not like the architectural features
c. he did not like want to suffer the inconveniences that the Adamses has suffer
d. construction had not yet been complete.

3. The world 'inhabitants' in line 2 is closest in meaning to...
a. modification b. moves c. resident d. collaboration

4. It can be incurred from the passage that John Adam was...
a. The first President of United State
b. The second President of United State
c. The third President of United State
d. The fourth President of United State

5. The author must likely discusses 'the staircase' in line 5 in order to...
a. show the elegance of the new White House
b. explain the architectural features added by Jefferson
c. demonstrate what had to be rebuilt after the fire
d. provide an example of an inconveniences in the White House

Correct / Incorrect
1. ... Although the area is a desert many plants blooms there in the spring time
2. ... The drives on the freeway drove slowly and carefully while the ran was falling heavily because they did not want to have an accident
3. ... If you plan carefully before you take a trip, will have a much better time because the small details will not cause problems.
4. ... No one is sure what did it happen in front of the building
5. ... We thought about who would be the best vice President.
6. ... The children knew which the best game to play
7. ... I would like to ask you could be come over here to dinner this weekend
8. ... That children build a house in the tree that in the backyard.
9. ... The student have to read all the chapters which on the test.
10. ... We rented an apartment from the landlord who does he own the building on Maplle Street.

Choose (A), (B), (C), or (D)
1. Although not selecting for the team, he attends all of the games as a fan
2. when purchased at this store, the buyer gets a guarantee on all items
3. the food placing on the picnic table attracted a large numbers of flies
4. The brand new, Cadilac, purchasing less than 2 weeks ago, was destroyed in the accident
5. The company president, needed a vacation, boarded a plane for the Bahamas
6. At the Italian restaurant, was the food to spicy for my taste
7. In the apartment next to mine, a family was that had a lot of pets
8. Seldom their secretary has made such mistakes
9. The passangers in the airport waiting room, heard the announcement of the canceled flight, groaned audibly
10. The fans who supporting their team always come out in large numbers

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