Friday, April 09, 2010

c h o p s h o p

properties in New York

play Mafia Wars ? If ur answer is yes, i guess u know about CHOP SHOP

chop shop is one of properties in New York...

Mafia Wars has upgrade their properties in New York
The older properties has changed too...

For the first time, we can buy and sell our properties...
Now, we just can but that properties and can't sell it...
Cause there's only upgrade button... We use upgrade button to buy the properties...

I don't know how to sell it...
It's make me uncomfortable so much :( hate it...

we can upgrade chop shop's level too...
but we have to completed the matterials before...
we can get the matterials by buy it with GodFather points, 1 GodFather's point for 1 matterial... hmmm too expensive for me... hha ~ LOL
or ask ur friends to help you... it's easy and cheap...
but only 5 people who can help you... u hv to wait for 24 hours before u can ask a hand again :)

what's the matterials of chop shop ?

Shipping Containers

Car Lift

Acetylene Torch

Cement Bloks

Power Tools

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